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Meeting Anual. 2021 Annual Employee Health Care Conference: Transform: Solving for the New Business and Employee Imperatives

In this year of transformation, we’ll hear dynamic speakers from a diverse array of employers share their journeys of redefining health and benefits strategy in response to the health and economic impact of COVID-19. Join us for unique perspectives and tangible advice in the following areas:

  • Mental Health & Wellbeing

  • Health Care Delivery

  • Health Plan Financial Management

  • Clinical Care

  • Social Determinants of Health

  • Employee Experience

  • Benefits Administration

  • Leave Programs

  • Voluntary Benefits

  • Global Health Management

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

DÓNDE: Hilton San Diego Bayfront. San Diego, CA. Más información.

17 de noviembre

Workshop. Using Data-Driven Insights to Manage Programs and Improve Employee Health and Wellbeing (copia)

18 de noviembre

Workshop. Investing in Employee Health and Wellbeing: Thoughts from Leading Employers