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CONFERENCIA. Emotional Well-Being @ Work Conference

Employee emotional well-being profoundly affects productivity, performance, retention, and engagement. A recent Conference Board survey reveals that it has eroded dramatically since the onset of the pandemic, with 76% of respondents reporting increases in employee burnout, 72% reporting increases in the number of employees seeking mental health support, and 67% reporting increased use of their Employee Assistance Plans (EAPs). New challenges await employees as some return to the office and others adopt hybrid work models. Now more than ever, organizations need to proactively support employee emotional well-being. Join us as we hear from forward-thinking organizations about the strategies and tools, they are using to help their employees thrive at work and in life.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

ONLINE: Enlace

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CONFERENCIA. Future Skills Conference: Preparing Today’s Employees for Tomorrow’s Jobs

Technology innovation is dramatically reshaping the labor market, rapidly replacing many jobs and creating new ones. These changes have been accelerated by a series of economic and social upheavals that have accompanied a global pandemic. Talent management professionals are now tasked with the combined challenges of identifying what skills will be critical in the future and implementing upskilling and reskilling strategies to prepare their workforce for what’s ahead. Pioneering companies are exploring a skills-based approach to talent that transcends jobs, enhances internal mobility and enables organizational agility.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

ONLINE: Enlace

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a 10 dic

CONFERENCIA. Employee Financial Well-Being Conference (6th Annual)

Organizations are ramping up their employee financial wellness offerings to improve financial health and engagement and increase productivity despite the day-to-day challenges of financial strains leaving employees stressed and distracted. The recent shift in the work environments provides a unique opportunity for organizations to help their employees take control of their finances with tools to spend smarter, reduce debt and save more.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

ONLINE: Enlace

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a 9 dic

CONFERENCIA. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Global Conference

We invite you to join us on the essential journey to create workplaces committed to inclusion, equity and belonging as we build on the momentum of this great event and design an all-new agenda for December. And on this special occasion, we will be hosting our first-ever truly global conference, with additional live conversations scheduled specifically for audiences based in European and Asian time zones.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

ONLINE: Enlace

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Workshop. Investing in Employee Health and Wellbeing: Thoughts from Leading Employers

In this session, we’ll explore trends employers are taking in raising the standard of health care for their employees. Greg Landmark will discuss how Travelers has evolved their benefits strategy, the value they place in quality care for employees, how they’ve supported employees during a pandemic and more.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

DÓNDE: San Diego: Indigo Ballroom, Level 2  Más información

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a 19 nov

Meeting Anual. 2021 Annual Employee Health Care Conference: Transform: Solving for the New Business and Employee Imperatives

In this year of transformation, we’ll hear dynamic speakers from a diverse array of employers share their journeys of redefining health and benefits strategy in response to the health and economic impact of COVID-19. Join us for unique perspectives and tangible advice in the following areas:

  • Mental Health & Wellbeing

  • Health Care Delivery

  • Health Plan Financial Management

  • Clinical Care

  • Social Determinants of Health

  • Employee Experience

  • Benefits Administration

  • Leave Programs

  • Voluntary Benefits

  • Global Health Management

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

DÓNDE: Hilton San Diego Bayfront. San Diego, CA. Más información.

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Workshop. Using Data-Driven Insights to Manage Programs and Improve Employee Health and Wellbeing (copia)

More than half of benefits leaders list improving employee health and wellbeing as their top organizational goal. They rely heavily on employee satisfaction and engagement data to measure program success but leaning on these metrics alone isn’t enough. Employers are frustrated by the limited insights they receive from their benefits data, with 64% saying one of their biggest challenges is analyzing the data to draw meaningful conclusions. Hear from experts and leaders who are transforming the way they operate their benefit programs by leveraging data analytics and learn how to get access to the right insights to help you make better employee-centric decisions.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

DÓNDE: San Diego: Aqua AB, Level 3. Más información

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Workshop. One Size Doesn't Fit All: Designing an Inclusive Mental Health Strategy for Your Workforce

2020 was a watershed moment for employee wellbeing and the ROI is clearer than ever: investing in mental health is the right thing to do for both your people and bottom line. However, it's hard to determine the best approach to meet the unique needs of an entire employee population. Join Sanofi and Ginger for an interactive program focused on the HR challenges presented in 2020 and how leading employers are supporting their workforce through the reverberating impact of a stacked crisis. Attendees will learn the core components of implementing an effective and comprehensive mental health strategy and together, we'll examine tools and techniques to cater to your employee's mental health while increasing workforce productivity, retention, and engagement.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

DÓNDE: San Diego: Aqua CD, Level 3. Más información

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Workshop. Data-Driven MSK: Using Personalization to Improve Employee Health and Reduce Company Spend

MSK affects 1 in 2 Americans. The average MSK issue results in 12 days of missed work. Based on claims data, MSK costs companies more than cancer and mental health combined. Join SWORD Health and PepsiCo, Inc. for an interactive workshop that will help you determine your current MSK spend and figure out how to reduce costs for 2022 and beyond. You'll see hands-on demonstrations of how virtual technology enables PTs to treat each of the most common MSK issues differently, and with improved outcomes.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

DÓNDE: San Diego: Aqua EF, Level 3. Más información

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CONFERENCIA. Develop Your Future Workforce

To begin developing the workforce of the future, HR professionals need industrial-sized gear for their toolbox. Some of these power tools include an understanding of the technology that’s driving change, managers who are developed, coached, and accountable for executing fast-paced initiatives, and an understanding of data analytics to predict and monitor skill gaps.

ORGANIZA: Human Capital Institute

ONLINE: Enlace

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CONFERENCIA. The Future of Communications

This virtual conference will feature real-world tips and tactics from leading communicators. Our speakers will share how they effectively measure and report to reflect the needs of emerging audiences, refine media relations strategies to build stronger relationships amid changing newsroom trends, integrate emerging tools and features on social media to earn more engagement with audiences, foster stronger agency-client relationships and more.


ONLINE: Enlace

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a 5 nov

SEMINARIO. Organization Design Conference (17th Annual): Re-evaluating, Rethinking and Reformulating Business Models and Culture

Dealing with uncertainty will continue to be the key trend for Executives during 2021 as they reorientate their organizations. Leaders must dissect a complex entity, analyze it, and then rebuild the enterprise for greater impact. This includes a mix of analytical work, experience with an Organization Design process, creativity, and perseverance to design an organization that achieves strong results.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

ONLINE: Enlace

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CONFERENCIA. Optimize Your Talent Acquisition Tools & Technology

Talent acquisition is changing and getting more technologically advanced all the time, but many recruiters are still straining under the burden of administrative overload. How do you attract, identify, and hire top talent when you’re bogged down with processes, paperwork, and unqualified candidates? This virtual conference is designed to bring you up to date on the latest TA technologies and learn how the right tech stack can step up your talent attraction and recruiting game.

ORGANIZA: Human Capital Institute

ONLINE: Enlace

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Workshop. Investing in Employee Health and Wellbeing: Thoughts from Leading Employers

In this session, we’ll explore trends employers are taking in raising the standard of health care for their employees. Greg Landmark will discuss how Travelers has evolved their benefits strategy, the value they place in quality care for employees, how they’ve supported employees during a pandemic and more.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

DÓNDE: New York: Broadway Ballroom, 6th Floor Más información

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a 29 oct

Meeting Anual. 2021 Annual Employee Health Care Conference: Transform: Solving for the New Business and Employee Imperatives

In this year of transformation, we’ll hear dynamic speakers from a diverse array of employers share their journeys of redefining health and benefits strategy in response to the health and economic impact of COVID-19. Join us for unique perspectives and tangible advice in the following areas:

  • Mental Health & Wellbeing

  • Health Care Delivery

  • Health Plan Financial Management

  • Clinical Care

  • Social Determinants of Health

  • Employee Experience

  • Benefits Administration

  • Leave Programs

  • Voluntary Benefits

  • Global Health Management

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

DÓNDE: New York Marriot Marquis, Nueva York. Más información.

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Workshop. One Size Doesn't Fit All: Designing an Inclusive Mental Health Strategy for Your Workforce

2020 was a watershed moment for employee wellbeing and the ROI is clearer than ever: investing in mental health is the right thing to do for both your people and bottom line. However, it's hard to determine the best approach to meet the unique needs of an entire employee population. Join Sanofi and Ginger for an interactive program focused on the HR challenges presented in 2020 and how leading employers are supporting their workforce through the reverberating impact of a stacked crisis. Attendees will learn the core components of implementing an effective and comprehensive mental health strategy and together, we'll examine tools and techniques to cater to your employee's mental health while increasing workforce productivity, retention, and engagement.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

DÓNDE: New York: Soho Complex, 7th Floor. Más información

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Workshop. Using Data-Driven Insights to Manage Programs and Improve Employee Health and Wellbeing

More than half of benefits leaders list improving employee health and wellbeing as their top organizational goal. They rely heavily on employee satisfaction and engagement data to measure program success but leaning on these metrics alone isn’t enough. Employers are frustrated by the limited insights they receive from their benefits data, with 64% saying one of their biggest challenges is analyzing the data to draw meaningful conclusions. Hear from experts and leaders who are transforming the way they operate their benefit programs by leveraging data analytics and learn how to get access to the right insights to help you make better employee-centric decisions.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

DÓNDE: New York: Astor Ballroom, 7th Floor. Más información

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a 20 oct

Conferencias. People Analytics Conference (16th Annual)

While interest in people analytics has been growing for several years as it demonstrated its value to the business, the advent of the pandemic in 2020 sent the function into overdrive. The abrupt shift to remote work, the rapid transition to digital and the associated disruption led to greater recognition of the importance of employees, their experience, their well-being and engagement and how these influenced their ability to create and deliver value to stakeholders.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

ONLINE: enlace

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