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Workshop. One Size Doesn't Fit All: Designing an Inclusive Mental Health Strategy for Your Workforce

2020 was a watershed moment for employee wellbeing and the ROI is clearer than ever: investing in mental health is the right thing to do for both your people and bottom line. However, it's hard to determine the best approach to meet the unique needs of an entire employee population. Join Sanofi and Ginger for an interactive program focused on the HR challenges presented in 2020 and how leading employers are supporting their workforce through the reverberating impact of a stacked crisis. Attendees will learn the core components of implementing an effective and comprehensive mental health strategy and together, we'll examine tools and techniques to cater to your employee's mental health while increasing workforce productivity, retention, and engagement.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

DÓNDE: San Diego: Aqua CD, Level 3. Más información

17 de noviembre

Workshop. Data-Driven MSK: Using Personalization to Improve Employee Health and Reduce Company Spend

17 de noviembre

Workshop. Using Data-Driven Insights to Manage Programs and Improve Employee Health and Wellbeing (copia)