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Workshop. Data-Driven MSK: Using Personalization to Improve Employee Health and Reduce Company Spend

MSK affects 1 in 2 Americans. The average MSK issue results in 12 days of missed work. Based on claims data, MSK costs companies more than cancer and mental health combined. Join SWORD Health and PepsiCo, Inc. for an interactive workshop that will help you determine your current MSK spend and figure out how to reduce costs for 2022 and beyond. You'll see hands-on demonstrations of how virtual technology enables PTs to treat each of the most common MSK issues differently, and with improved outcomes.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

DÓNDE: San Diego: Aqua EF, Level 3. Más información

17 de noviembre

CONFERENCIA. Develop Your Future Workforce

17 de noviembre

Workshop. One Size Doesn't Fit All: Designing an Inclusive Mental Health Strategy for Your Workforce