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CONFERENCIA. Emotional Well-Being @ Work Conference

Employee emotional well-being profoundly affects productivity, performance, retention, and engagement. A recent Conference Board survey reveals that it has eroded dramatically since the onset of the pandemic, with 76% of respondents reporting increases in employee burnout, 72% reporting increases in the number of employees seeking mental health support, and 67% reporting increased use of their Employee Assistance Plans (EAPs). New challenges await employees as some return to the office and others adopt hybrid work models. Now more than ever, organizations need to proactively support employee emotional well-being. Join us as we hear from forward-thinking organizations about the strategies and tools, they are using to help their employees thrive at work and in life.

ORGANIZA: The Conference Board

ONLINE: Enlace

13 de diciembre

CONFERENCIA. Future Skills Conference: Preparing Today’s Employees for Tomorrow’s Jobs

25 de enero

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